Saturday, June 25, 2011

we have babies...!

got the call last night from Jane...
3 bottle feeders needed a foster home...
we met them at Rural King where the Humane Society was having another adoption day...
I had to go this morning to the doctor...
so we did Walmart and the CVS...
and headed on over to pick up the critters...
they are about 3 weeks old...
just getting their milk teeth...
Bebe is the master sitter...
he will sleep by their cage and guard them from all others...
no one will be allowed close to them...
the mower guy came this afternoon...
good thing, 'cause we were losing babies in that clover!
they are trying so hard to play, but fall over...
in another week, they will be much better at it...
they are doing good...
the black one has some junk in it's chest...
I think it's milk gone the wrong way...
they are too eager at first going from momma to the bottle...
this one is rotten...
the biggest...
and voiding all by itself...
I had to stimulate the other 2...
so, they are all for adoption and should be ready in about 3 weeks...
I just fed, burped and stimulated them...
so they are ready for nap time...
need to cover the cage so they will feel safe...
just like birds...
have a great evening...
we do have rain coming!


  1. Oh! They're precious! 3 weeks! You should have a lively house for a while!
    God Bless,

  2. Oh what a lovely heart you have Tete. Caring for these special babies is so thoughtful. You are the kindest person...

  3. Oh my melt my heart. they are so adorable, glad someone like u is there to take care of them. Pinky came from the Coles Co humane society! I kid him and tell him he was born in the same place as his mommy!

  4. The girls just went to a bedtime story, brushed their teeth, said their prayers...and then I saw this post...are you sleeping yet, gitls? No...not yet...Look at these babies... AWWWW.. l love them they all exclaimed. "Nana...wherhe's theihr Mama?" was SCheeks biggest concern! How could a Mama NOT be with her babies...So tender hearted that one.

    And all 3 girls were singing along with the song that playing. I came downstairs and I can still hear 2 of them singing this song...the littlest one already out like a switched off light bulb.

    Thank you for a wonderful ending to our wonderful day...Love ya- xo Diana

  5. Your 3 new babies are adorable! It's wonderful that you take the time to take in one's who need so much care. I'm telling you from experience that the little black one will be a stinker (I've had 2 in the past). Good luck, you've got a handful!

  6. Awwww...GOOD FOSTER mama!!! Good for you guys...KUDOS! Bottle fed a puppy of ours that was taken from mama TOO her (rescued her) from a family in a Toys R Us parking lot who said she was 6 weeks old and eating Gravy Train...She didn't even know how to lap milk...(more like about 4 weeks old the vet said) bless her bitty little 4.5 pound self...she grew up to be a 95 pound black lab/shepherd...affectionately named Sam. She is no longer with us. Diabetes...our FIRST dog...God bless you... Hugs to you Tete...God blesses those who steward good care over his beasts...which HE charged us to do...

  7. How sweet! It is so good to see someone caring for God's creatures. here they are disposed of or tossed out like trash. Our first two were dumped out in a shoebox their eyes not even open yet. It's upsetting to me so to see this makes me happy.
    thank you (())

  8. They are adorable, so sweet! Thanks for doing this, Tete. Love your music.
    Blessings, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!