Thursday, June 23, 2011

weeds be gone...

welp, I'm out of white spray paint again...
and we need a couple more cans for the bike...
but I am going to like it all white...
and next year it can be yellow...
and then blue...
been working on the pruning, dead heading and weeding today...
and this was where I worked last night after supper...
lots of blooms are happening now...
they seem to like the spots of rain and cooler temps...
yeah, it's 66 right now...
windows open and hoody on...
Doofus and Boofy wrestled this morning...
and here's the weeds...
the day lilies are getting ready...
raking and cleaning out the debris is a constant job... 
but it looks so much better when we keep it up...
some road contruction guys were in the neighborhood early this morning putting up this sign...
which is kind of silly since we live on a dead end...
for 2 weeks we have been wondering what RCA meant...
mystery solved!
duh, boy are we slow...
they are going to be redoing the Ashmore Road, which is a nightmare to go on...
and it will take them awhile to get it done...
9 miles and the path to my besties house...
the hopper was full and we dumped it...
so much from such a small area...
but we got a lot done today and more to go tomorrow...

got an appointment with the doctor on Saturday again...
the thrush mouth came back for the 3rd time...
still on meds...
but now I believe it started in my throat, so need to get it cleared up there so it doesn't keep coming back...
been plugging away at things, but I know I will feel so much better when I get rid of this...


  1. I think your bike looks great white. I am looking for one to put in front of my greenhouse after it is done being built. I love the look and you are right, we could just change colors as we please;)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. It looks great, Tete...everything!! I have an old bike that I need to get painted too. Did you take the tires off first? I'm debating whether to do that or not...

    Thrush mouth is so miserable. Are you on some anit-inflammatory meds? Sometimes they result in these other things...sometimes even causing fungus of the toenails, etc. I hope they can get it cleared up for you. You will feel better once they find something that works.

    Listening to your music I am just surrounded by His glory...Amen..xo Diana

  3. The flowers are beautiful! I love the old bike. I want one. I am sorry to hear about the thrush...they can be miserable. Hope it clears up soon. Blessings!

  4. Glad to know about the road construction before I head up to Walnut point! Boy does it need it! The first picture looks like a magazing Tete!! Can't believe your beds look so good, and no mulch?!

  5. Your yard is looking great ~ I know it must be such work, but the effort is so worth it! Sounds like you need to get on a Good Probiotics & Coconut oil does wonders, about 1 TBS. a day will work.... Hope you feel better quickly

  6. The gardens look wonderful Tete! I love the bike! I may have to look for one now.. Hopefully now that I have two days off and go in an hour later I'll have more time to visit you daily again.. I like your new blog header too! Have a wonderful weekend!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!