Tuesday, June 21, 2011

White Wednesday...

sunrise this morning...
it was beautiful...
and it's my grandpa's birthday...
maybe he had something to do with it...
ferns that I moved from my mom's...
Hydrangeas are at their peak...
so heavy in bloom that they are bowing their heads...
they are so bountiful this year...
I really need to add more to other parts of the yard...
and they make great bouquets...
we have storms coming...
dwarf lilac planted last year in front of the iris...
and I sat there on the bench again this morning...
love the sun coming through the trees...
and back inside...
see you next week!
we had a storm come through this evening...
and this was the after...
we got .3 of rain...
a little wind...
beautiful skies...
and clumps of leaves...
the cicadas chewed on the branches and leaves, and they came down with just a little wind...
but they are gone now for another 13 years...
and we will be cleaning up tomorrow...


  1. What a lovely posting:)! Your white hydrangeas are just stunning! I love to dry my whites and enjoy them in the winter. Do you do the same?

  2. What a beautiful post, Tete! I love that you have so much abloom. We are still pretty sparse here. It has been cold and rainy, dreary and ugly weather. I wanted to pop by and say goodnight- I am off to bed early..Ihave to be up super early for work tomorrow! UGH. Gonna be a long week as this is my Saturday to work too. I am glad those stinking locusts are gone..13 years will come all too soon!;>) xo Diana

  3. The cicada's are gone!! Thank goodness. I did not have them on Jackson but my cousins did on Andover place, and they were awfull! They are having a 4th party and I told them that they better be gone by then or we would have to the party inside!!

  4. We have had storms this evening too. Luckily they helped to cool things down a bit. Luckily, we don't have the cicadas... such strange little creatures!

  5. LOVE your white hydrangeas. Had one but the bush just couldn't survive in my soil...I tried so hard. the colored ones do great...when I get to Iowa I am gonna try again. Same with my gardenia...just wouldn't take...gonna try that too!! LOVE ferns..with all my shade I have them all around the house..those and hostas love this lot...
    Happy White Wednesday Tete! xo
    **it is storming here as I comment!

  6. How wonderful you have the ferns... wish I had my mother's camellias.
    How do you get those hydrangeas so large and beautiful ! I want some around my home so badly.

  7. Oh those hydrangeas are gorgeous!
    I wish I could come by and st...borrow some!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!