Thursday, July 21, 2011

it was a quiet afternoon until...

these little guys showed up...
Kirbie, Kamie and Katie are on their way to be adopted...
they were ready and we were taking them back this weekend anyway...
so Jane called this afternoon and said she had 4 week old babies who needed bottle fed...
and as soon as they dropped them off at her house, she brought them here...
and she took the other 3 to the vet's for the weekend, where they will be tested for aids and luekemia...
wormed and all the fun stuff and then they will be up for adoption...
they will be in ac, that's was very important for me...
we kept them a week longer than needed because of the severe heat advisories that are now running until Sunday night...
we are feeding every 2 hours...
and they had not been stimulated and were given cows milk for 24 hours...
they have all peed but no poopies yet...
lungs are clear and they are fat and sassy...
2 of them still have their eyes closed, ;)
this is what I was doing after lunch...
sitting in the shade and dead heading...
but I didn't stay long...
today was our hottest day yet...
someone in town had 103...
have no idea what the index was...
and I don't want to know...
DH stopped by the Methodist church this evening on his way home from work and gave blood...
and he has to do blood tests in the morning...
they come to work and do them for free every year...
hope he doesn't get light headed tomorrow...
just one more day and he can have a couple off...
not planning any yard work at all this weekend...
just watering...
and Craig and I can handle the housework...
so he is getting it off...
he's earned it this week...
have a great night


  1. Hi Tete,
    Wish I could send you a cool breeze, we are barely breaking into the 70's in the afternoons and humid.
    Those sweet tiny kittems, awwww!!! How amazing, and how sweet to give them your love and care:-)
    Hugs to you!

  2. Awww! How could anyone resist such sweet little kitties?! Sounds like a round the clock job for you:) And like Bella said, I wish you could have some of our weather, haha! I turned the furnace on tonight to take the chill off, can you believe it?! Hope you cool down fast!

  3. So cute, love them when they are that size!

    Heat is bad here, too, I'd take a big snow about now.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!