Sunday, July 31, 2011

it's been a long, short day...

this morning was nice...
but it didn't last long...
was up most of the night, so I wanted to get out and get things done so I could go back to bed...
some things are looking not so fine...
some are holding their own...
still not what they usually are...
see the leaves on the ground?
stressed for sure...
sedum getting ready to do it's thing...
tomato growing up through the bird cage...
Saturday, Craig and Tia went to a hummingbird get together at our friend's home and they played bingo...
Craig won this...
love the spindle stake...
and this one...
which will be so fun for fall...
we worked the side yard this morning...
dug and divided the hostas...
got 3 plants from 1...
pulled a bunch of the dead plants out of here...
probably should have just pulled them all...
nothing looks really good...
we didn't get the rain...
but back in the high 80s by Thursday...
it was 93 at 10:30 this morning when we got done...
HI was 100...
DH got the tomatoes weeded and Craig and I raked leaves...
I have had 2 naps today and in between it's been babies...
the guys took turns when I was down holding one that isn't doing very well...
it's going to take time...
they are starting to void on their own...
they are 10-14 day from having a potty box...
hard keeping them dry and clean...
well, have a good night...
I am popping in and checking you out quickly when I can...
but no time to leave comments...
have a great night...


  1. You are so purrr-fect! I can picture these scenes of your life. What a lovely gal you are, Tete.

    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Hey Sweet Lady, I sure hope those babies let you get a bit more shut eye.... just stopping by to tell you I am heading very early in the morning with My Daughter & Grands to Georgia~ I probably will not have access to a computer while I am gone, well at least not on a regular basis.... I scheduled some Posts of photos last year on my trip south ~ don't want anyone forgetting about me~ I will be back on the 12th, so I will get in touch on the 13th.... Kitties should be litter training by then! Stay Cool, Get some Rest! talk when I am back~

  3. I don't know how u had time for a nap? Some of my hosta are really dry...think if I divided them they would die.

    Hope the babies are doing well and u have a good night.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!