Saturday, July 2, 2011

it's a scorcher!

boy, howdy, it's nasty out there...
86 but the dew point is 76 and heat index is 96...
these are photos from Thursday that I didn't get posted...
this old chick is staying in the ac until the winds blow me out later or the sun goes down...
got up at 3am!...
what a doof...
then the guys finally got up, fed the babies and headed for town...
stopped to see Doug, County Market, Dollar Tree, Walmart, antique mall, bank, and then grabbed some food to bring home...
and all before 11am...
sold almost 3xs my booth rent, so I am very happy with that...
Dollar Tree is putting out their fall stuff...
snagged 2 of the little pumpkins I couldn't find last year!
I am ahead of the game here today...
as long as I don't forget where I put them when fall comes around...
the guys came home, unloaded the van, helped put things up and ate...
both are snoring right now...
one on the couch to the left of me and one in the bedroom to right...
I got it in stereo...
mower guy showed up trying to beat the heat about the time we were done eating and in just a half an hour it feels like it went up 10 degrees...
storms coming through later and they could be nasty, but tomorrow will be back to 82 for a high...
and then the next 10 days look fair and nice...
I can hide in here one afternoon...
so these photos will have to do...
I could take indoor photos, but you are not ready for that!
looks like a tornado went through here...
and I will get to it after I get my nap in...
might be tomorrow...
I used to be a perfectionist and a control freak...
I got over it...
had no choice...
now I know the world will not come to an end if it's not done perfectly right now...
I also know my fairies do not work wonders when I sleep...
because it's still there in the morning!
I'm still doing my PT and working hard at it so I can get strong enough to use a scoop shovel...
I am still gaining ground, girls...
and it's wonderful!
I also got my ice cream cone on the way home from KFC today, but there not on sale anymore...
99 cents is still a good deal on a hot day...
I'm thinking next time...
rootbeer float...
have a good one and stay cool...


  1. puts a smile on my face thinking of you toodling around Charleston! Glad your booth is doing well, I guess the antique mall is too. When every I am there they are busy.

    I hope tomorrow night is cooler than today since we will be in town for a cookout. But is will be a couple of degrees cooler than in St Louis!

    Rebecca said she may be open Monday afternoon? hope she is and hope I can make it!

    Have a great rest of your Sat. stay cool!!!!!!!!1

  2. Drat blogger! I could not see all the photos. Oh heck!
    The heat is murderous! I get so tired. We walked late today. It was nearly 8 a.m. and I barely made my. Whew! Resting and running more errands. Hannah turns 20 tomorrow and we have lots of company coming! Stay cool. Anne

  3. Beautiful pictures, always! I hear you..I used to be such a perfectionist too..and I still am in my work but at home I have relaxed my standards. I don't feel like I have to have laundry done every single day...or the dishwasher unloaded and put away the moment I think of it. I think blogging has helped me to let things go a bit...and yet..makes me want to speed up and do more~if that makes sense!

    It is so hot here I can't stand it..92 the last I looked and I don't know what the heat index is...AND the AC went out in my car last no way to get that fixed until next week. UGH

    Have a great night- xo Diana

  4. Oh a rootbeer float sounds heavenly. Our temps are about 98 with a heat index of 102 or more.

    I love the flowers, they make me wish I was not floral challenged. lol, the one I have, the birds built a nest inside, so I'll have some funny looking little flowers soon.

  5. I am still working on the OCD Flowers are beautiful as usual. Blessings and Happy 4th!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!