Sunday, July 3, 2011

just want to say hi...

DH and I had to go out and fill the bird feeder again...
and it's hot, but the worst part is the humidity...
I can do dry heat...
I hate sticky...
bottle bugs...
when it gets hot here, you can see it...
check out the corn behind there...
the roses are blooming again...
we sat out here in the shade for a bit and I walked about and got about 60 photos...
no, I didn't post them all...
I don't think blogger could handle it...
we had some dandy lightening last night and .8 of an inch of rain...
the lightening lasted forever...
and the storm it was in just hung out here for awhile...
and the idiots that we are...
we were out watching it...
someone was shooting off fireworks...
(they are illegal here)...
so we watched theirs...
and we haven't gotten much done today...
waiting for my son to bring our truck back so one of the guys can take him home...
DH and I may run in and do my booth in the morning...
if I feel better...
it's time to do supper...
have a great night...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Tete... lol... I did it again.. logged into my work blog and then posted a comment on yours... Anyway, I wrote was.. I LOVEEEE the old door.. I have a door as well in one of my sheds which I am going to dig out and use now.. I love the look of it. The rose is fantastic. Looks like a Knockout Rose... Have a wonderful July 4th!

  3. This post reminds me that my son is supposed to give me one of the old doors he found in his garage "attic"...little devil forgot about it!!

    Tete-Your yard looks just beautiful and I still say those BUGS are the most comical thing I have ever seen. The girls and I may have to make a few of those for their playhouse.

    I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep. That is what I am off to do here soon. One more day of work for me and then I have Tuesday off. Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!