Thursday, August 11, 2011

morning glory...

they live out there...
amid the stalks...
hiding from the rays...
to open briefly...
you can find them early...
if you know where to look...
purples, pinks and blues...

another beautiful morning here...
got down in the 50s last night and will just get into the 80s today...
got a good chance of rain this weekend...
if they don't change the forecast...

not sure what I want to get done today...
but I know it will have something to do with outside...
have a great one!


  1. If they would just grow on my trellis instead of on all my plants. I love to see them in the morning. Makes me happy pulling out of the driveway in the morning.

    that FB site is for cumberland co.
    you know your from cumberland county if.....

    Is there one for charleston?

  2. Lovely colours of your morning glory, I have only the blues!

  3. Lovely morning glories! I could certainly do with some of you nice, mild weather.

  4. I love Morning Glories! I can grow just about anything but I cannot keep Morning Glories alive. Everyone thinks that is very funny because it is the one thing that flourishes for most people. xo Diana

  5. I love the multi colors, that dark blue is beautiful. Of course we have the wild ones, and I had some different colored ones, pink and lavandar a few years ago,t hat blended with the wild.

    Rained most of the day here, YaHOOO, we've had over 4 inches in the last 2 days. Love it, since it has been so dry.
    Only problem, our internet is satelite, which means it was blocked by heavy clouds and rain most of the day.

  6. They're really beautiful, Tete. I grow some in my garden and they are just beginning to bloom.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  7. How pretty Tete! I just love morning glories and moon flowers!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!