Friday, August 12, 2011


this week is all about a special person, Charlie, and his family...
Charlie has brain tumors and is going through chemo...
his whole world is doctors and hospital rooms...
iv drips with the promise of better tomorrows...
and I am sending pink angels to take care of Charlie and his family...
because miracles come from angels...
messengers of God...

and Charlie is getting a special make over by earthbound angels who have taken the time and energy to make the world a better place for Charlie and his family...
don't waste time leaving a comment  here...
because it won't count...
what I need for you to do is to go to Sherry's and leave one there...
and read her post about Charlie and the make over...
every comment you leave on her blog means $1 donation...
got that?
your comment counts...
so get going and let Charlie and his family know that you care about a child who needs angels...
who needs your prayers...
and is waiting for an angel to bring him a miracle...

now, go and leave a comment and be counted!
Every comment left on any one of these blogs earns one dollar towards Friends of Kids With Cancer.

Kelee Katillac -  or
Beverly -
Charlotte and Ginger -
Sherry -
Susan - http://betweennapsontheporch,

I am not going to post anything else until Sunday...
letting this run for awhile to get as many comments and $$$ as possible for this great cause...
Have a blessed PINK weekend hopping from post to post...
sharing, caring and giving...


  1. I am going to post about this tomorrow, too, Tete. It is a wonderful thing- xo Diana

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful post and your beautiful heart.

    I am so grateful to you for participating in this very special Pink Saturday. I hope your visitors will come over to comment and help us to raise more money for the next Miracle Makeover.

  3. Thank you for this great post and feature. That is one of my favorite songs.

  4. Thank you for a wonderful post, Tete. Thanks for stopping by too. Happy Pink Saturday weekend.


  5. A beautiful post for this special Pink Saturday!

  6. An amazing post - HPS. Love to Charlie

  7. Tete:

    Thank-you for this super sweet and gentle post. Love the music and the thought put into all! Your time and talents are so noted and loved!

    HPS to well done! Pink Angel Wings to you! Thank-you for being on the team of good!

    Kelee Katillac

  8. This is such a sweet post. I have been enjoying the beautiful music as well.
    Happy Special Pink Saturday!

  9. This is such a wonderful cause.

    Wishing you a beautiful pink weekend....

  10. I'm leaving you a comment anyway--because I can't sleep and your comment about NOT wasting my time with one made me laugh! I have left comments at each site, so I did my part. The video was great and made me cry, but I cry seeing the good that God's people do for each other.♥♫

  11. A wonderful post about Charlie.. We need more people who are willing to give and help others

  12. A beautiful post.
    Happy pink saturday!!

  13. I love your post! Those pink angels are gorgeous! I also love the Oakridge Boys singing Thank God for Kids. I love it! Love you! Anne

  14. Just gorgeous share, Tete, your angels are wonderful & lifting.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  15. Sweet and caring post Tete and I love the questions you will be asking God when you see him and I am pretty sure you will. Love, Lynn

  16. Bringing you another comment for Charlie, sweet friend.
    Hugs, Marydon


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!