Tuesday, August 16, 2011

resurrection and praying...

resurrection lilies...
and praying mantis...
eating a bug...
just finishing a wing...
think he's alone?
just a different color...
maybe mom had a milk man...


  1. Your garden looks so refreshing, in these dry hot times.

  2. Tete!!! I have missed you! I love those Resurrection Lillies but I don't have any in my garden, yours are gorgeous. I have a funny praying mantis story. Earlier this spring, I was sitting on the screened porch and felt something crawling on my arm. Without looking, I just swiped it away. A few minutes later it happened again but this time I looked and it was a teeny, tiny praying mantis. He couldn't have been an 1/8 of an inch long and his coloring was beige and transparent. I very gently scooped him up and carried him out to the garden then returned to the porch. A few minutes later it happened again, then again, then again. To make a long story short, there was a praying mantis egg casing attached to the underside of the wicker chair I was sitting in and as the baby PMs emerged, they made their way up the side of the chair and onto my arm. I bet I moved 50 baby PMs that day. I think it was a good luck omen because my garden has done better than ever this year even with the extreme heat and drought we have had. Have a wonderful day, xxoo Nan

  3. I've never seen a Praying Mantis eat a bug, guess I'm not patient in my watching.

    NanE what a cute story, glad your garden did well..

  4. Hey Tete, aren't praying mantis funny little creatures? I haven't seen one in the garden this season yet. Thank you for the encouraging words. Mom is stubborn as she can be but does super for her age, still living alone and works in the yard. Her mind is sharp as a tack and I can only hope I am like her as the years past.... driving everyone crazy. :) Happy Wednesday

  5. I love this post! So creative and such a good message.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!