Monday, August 8, 2011


some things have not done so well in the heat...
Mr Wiggles wanted in the post...
so here he is...
should just dump all of these...
but not yet...
and the ones I worried about...
seemed to thrive in the heat and drought...
who would have thought?
and there are pots where half are hurting and the other half doing so well...
these were in a safe place...
I let Craig do a little decorating this morning...
everything that we had pulled off of the porch and put in the garden cart was all his...
and I continued doing my thing with the camera...
just to show you how it so looks like fall here now...
and just waiting for this to start opening so the butterflies will come again...
he set this up for a tea...
he won this ginger bread doll playing bingo...
and this cow doll, too...
and I had to stop by here and play just a bit before we took our walk...
there's clouds and rain coming...
we need at least a couple of inches...
and it began sprinkling on us down the street...
but it had quit before we got home...
there is more coming...
the radar looks promising...
and there you have it...
the beginning of a transformation in my garden...
as one season steps back...
it allows another to tip toe in...
quietly, gently...
and before you know it...
BOO will happen...
have a great day ladies...
even if it's Monday...


  1. Hi Tete....I'm glad I'm not the only one who's flowers are looking a little grumpy. Some are just fine and others (like your petunias) not so much. I guess the petunias just don't like the heat. I remember the same thing happening last year this time. We are inching toward fall ever so slowly. It is my favorite the boo part, too. But it goes too fast and winter goes too slow! Oh well, one step at a time!
    I enjoyed your post. Still trying to get inspired to get back into posting. It will come, just like fall!

  2. Everything that I have outside is looking pretty crummy right about now. It is looking like rain here tonight, Tete. xo Diana

  3. Rain Rain please come! Coming home this weekend because my cousin is opening up a new store in Charleston on the square Forest Road! Home, garden, gifts, decor and designs! Spread the word and stop in when u go to town!

    and YES I have really missed you :(

  4. Hi Tete,
    My flowers are doing wonderfully well because we are having a lot of cool and wet weather. No good for us beach people but the ducks and flowers seem to like it. We are having one of the worst summers in years. Quite a disappointment too after the long hard winter and cold spring we had. But anyway, things can always be worse.
    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your nice comment. I am on vacation these days so I haven't been blogging much. I'm glad you stopped by as it has given me a chance to repay the visit. Enjoy your week.


  5. Tete, Thanks for the shout out for my cousin!

    516 6th street on the square
    home garden
    vintage modern
    gifts decor
    design services

    Kris Halsey and Karenlee Spencer

    will be open Sat 13 and Sun 14 from 1000-4pm

    Again thanks!! Kris is on facebook and so am I! Not sure but at some time I am sure the store will have a FB page. She is in the old Persimmon Lane (before they moved 2 doors down) So now there are 2 antique stores and Forest Rd all on the west side of the square to go shopping!!

  6. All my flowers look like heck too...especially the petunias. The butterfly bushes are blooming right along though. I am ready to pull everything out and put in Mums. One thing that did beautifully for me this summer was some pots of deep red Mandevillas (? spelling). They were pricey but they have done just beautifully with little watering. Now if I could just figure out a way to save them over the Winter.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!