Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Do you have trouble with clutter?

I sure do!
I am surrounded by it!
and it's time to take back my space...
not just move it from one pile to another...
I googled organizing ideas...
isn't this just grand?
and clean?
I love this small space used at it's mostest!
I could so do this to give it all a new look...
this is fun...
it's a piece from who knows what that someone found while garage saling...
not a lot of space taken up, but looks like it holds so much...
and it's all out of sight...
I love this but cannot afford baskets like that!
if my space was ever like this...
oh, it just wouldn't happen without a cat laying up there...
now this is useful...
things available...
cannot decide if I want it cute and visible...
or cute and hid...

are you fall house cleaning?
I am not getting very much done right now...
the more I dig the worse things look...
you know...
the storm before the calm...
that's how I operate...

up at 2am...
got a bug or something...
not fun...
going to grab a little something to eat...
and try to head back to bed...

have a great day...


  1. Clutter, What's that? No clutter here at all, nosireee! Well, except for the sofa, that is covered with the things from the display cases, the bedroom where I stuff all things out of sight, when I'm tired of cleaning, well I think you get the picture.
    Those are neat clutter covers, and like you, those baskets are too costly for my budget.

  2. My whole house is cluttered. My dad was over Sunday and said it looks like a warehouse. I just can't seem to get it under control. I'd love to have it look like any of those photos!!! Sorry you caught a bug, hope you feel better soon...

  3. yes, first week of the vacation and that is what I am doing. Starting with the cottage...I have not done a thing with it since I moved furniture out for 1515 in 2009! yikes. I cleaned and moved stuff all day yesterday, so in a couple of hours I hope to have it done...and then maybe some pics to post!

  4. Sorry, please don't hate me. Ya'll know what a twisted and sick clean freak I am. 'Can't help myself...just the way I fly!!!

    Loved flippin' through those beautiful pictures.

    God bless ya sweetie!!! :o)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!