Wednesday, October 19, 2011

a new arrival...

DH got off early last night...
well, really normal time...
because of the rain...
the farmers quit picking and hauling in...
so we were going for a walk...
and a mama cat had been trying to move her babies...
down the road...
but she left this one on the sidewalk...
now, these are stray, wild cats no one can get close to...
so we snagged the baby...
us and the neighbors...
this one I brought home to feed...
it's about 4 weeks...
so I am up...
feeding time...
now the neighbor got 3 the other day...
she wants one of them...
and I am getting one...
wait till you see him!

they go to the vet today to be tested for aids...
and if all goes well, I will have a new one...

normally, I would not advise to take babies from the mamas...
but we have too many strays here and these cats are on their 3rd litter this year...
I can have this one on hard food and water in 10 days...
we have to get them now to tame them down...
so they are adoptable...
these kittens will not grow up and make more babies...
it's also late in the year and getting colder...
chances are this late litter wouldn't make it in the cold...
they are just too little...

coyotes are circling every night here now...
they are coming in for the strays...
easy food...

so photos will come later...
but I have a lot of work to do with this one in the next two weeks...
a lot of handling...

so, if you don't hear from me...
I'm playing mama...


  1. Can't wait to see the pictures!!!! Poor little nice of you to take care of them. I'm such a softie for kitties that I'd try to keep all of them. (Did that a long time ago and ended up with 26 cats...not happening again!)

  2. Bless your heart Tete. What a wonderful thing you are doing for God's littlest creatures.
    I love your "layers" post too.
    My baby comes home this Friday. HE's a seven week old toy poodle.
    I'm anxious to play mommy again.

  3. Good Morning "mama"...**sweet little mouser getting a new lease on life...thanks to tenderhearted lover of all creatures great and small...(that's what my headline would say if I were writing for a newspaper) :-) Hope all turns out purrfectly for the little kittie.
    Have fun...and grab some catnaps after those late night feedings!! lol! :-) hugs...

  4. I love that you did this Tete. I am surprised she left her baby on the sidewalk. Would she have come back? Thanks for taking in God's creatures big and small. xo

  5. You are so kind and caring. Hey, google "prayer for the animals" - I've printed it off and enjoy praying it. Animals are important to me too. Bless your merciful heart, Tete.
    Hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!