Friday, October 7, 2011

we have fall...

it's been slowly creeping in for some time now...
and the cooler nights are behind us...
50s at night...
85 today...
and no rain in sight for the next 10 days...
harvest is happening...
high school football games going on...
homecoming was 2 weeks ago...
and DH has been getting a little overtime in every week...
they are just now starting to pick the fields in force...
but I spent a little time this afternoon just writing checks...
paying bills...
and you have no idea how nice it is to be able to sit here and do that...
everything is paid for the month...
the furnace would not come on when we tried it...
so the next few weeks worth of checks are going into...
fixing the furnace fund...
hopefully it is something minor...
and we don't have to replace the whole thing...
but, God knows our needs and it will happen...

had a woman get a hold of me last night who lives here in town...
she is very interested about adopting Charlie...
so I told her what to do to get her name in at the shelter...
I think he has his forever home...
hope your day is going good...
DH has to work tomorrow...
so we only have one day on the weekend now...
grillin' out...
if he's not too tired...
and some ghosties might even make an appearance...
you never can tell...


  1. Gorgeous Fall Colors Tete! We were in the mountains earlier and the colors were just beginning to change! Hope you have a marvelous weekend and grilling sounds perfect!
    God Bless,

  2. Can't wait to get home Monday and see all my favorite trees and go for a ride through the country.

    I will pray that the furnance is something VERY minor! I hate that, it is always something.

    Your background is cute!

  3. Praying that the furnace is just some minor inconvenience and nothing major! UGH- I hate problems with big appliances, etc.

    It is looking like Fall your way. We are seeing lots of color up here and I think it is peaking this week. When we are home we should have another week or so before full peak of color.

    Hope your night is a good one, ya, sis- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!