Friday, January 13, 2012

August 2011- the end of looking back...

what a month that was!
it was a hot one...
and a little dry...
but the blooms kept coming and we were out for late night walks almost every evening...
can't wait for it to come again...

I have a couple more posts put together for you for the weekend, so you all come back when you can...
have a great night!


  1. Look how beautiful those flowers were and how darned cute those kitties were back then! xo Diana

  2. After the snow storm we had last night, it was nice to see all of your summer flowers, Tete. The kitties are sooooo cute.
    Just a few more months, and summer will be back.

  3. aha!....staying postive...thinking ~warm~ thoughts! SUCH cute furballs...I know you have a blast with them...a buttload of work rescue is...but worth it! :-) Hugs to you Tete!! xoxo

  4. Oh my goodness those kitties are darling! Blessings and hugs sent your way!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!