Thursday, January 12, 2012

its here...

does this make you think or what?
something I am going to have to remember...

this morning it began...

kind of cute at first...

but the winds have been bad...

hard to see out on the road...

3-5 inches expected throughout the night...

16 now with a wind chill of -1...
it was in the 40s yesterday...
needless to say, I am not going out there...

and so winter begins...
for a few days anyway...
5 days from now- back in the 40s...
have a good night...


  1. Oh- it is snowing and blowing here too. We are supposed to get about 8" overnight. I am glad I am in for the night. MyHero is at a meeting until 9pm and will slip and slide his way home. xo Diana

  2. Oh, Fun! Ours is starting tonight, I think only about 2" but that will be the most we have had so far, it was 50 yesterday & now it is BRRRRR!
    I guess the sooner we get the snow, the quicker Spring will come, Right?!?

    Stop By, having a Give~Away...
    to celebrate being back online!

    Take Care

  3. I totally think about that-more so now-all in God's perfect timing and up to his plan. I miss you!!!

  4. ah...staying inside right with you..woke up to 12 and -2 windchills...I got out on the porch last night and swept off all the cushions and pillows, brought them inside and grabbed the cd player and my great grandmother's quilt - all safe and now dry. Thank goodness it was all powdery snow and too cold to have melted to get them "wet" they are good. I was freezing my patooka off out in the windchill doing it, but I was determined! swept a lot of the snow out the screen door. "live and learn"...thanks so much for all the survival tips for this Southern girl yanked into the Midwest. Like living in a different world in the wintertime!!! have a great Friday...someone mentioned it was Friday the 13th...glad I'm not superstitious! ;-) Hugs Tete!xoxo

  5. Your quote definitely something to think about. Snow makes pretty scenes, but glad we do have it in Texas.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!