Saturday, May 26, 2012

baby pics...

this is the one that didn't make it...
just too anemic...

this one started losing ground in the wee hours this morning...
and every hour is adding to it...
just trying to get enough KMR down but I don't think its going to matter...
its tongue is chalk white...

this is the strongest and so far holding its own...

momma hasn't been out looking for them since last night...
she ran back down the hall...
we put the babies in the bath tub and a little box...
food and water in the floor...
but she didn't come and they started getting cold...
so back to the heating pad in the kennel...

I hate watching the life drain out of these little ones...

the damage is already done, just trying to beat the clock...
started labored breathing on the last feeding...
this is what fleas do to babies...
slowly taking strong kittens...

if momma doesn't nurse them in the next 12  hours, her milk will dry up...
they cry and cry and she won't come to them...

Craig's head...


and finger from yesterday...
his mouse finger!
gee, maybe he won't be on the computer so much now and he can do more work around here!

DH made the Charleston run this morning and Craig and I went out and weeded some...

dead headed the dianthus and cut it way back...

fresh from under the deck and bushes...
he's like a dust mop...
spider webs and leaves stick to him well...
you should see us trying to get that all off when he comes in...

some things blooming today...

its hot here...
supposed to cool down by Tuesday...
staying inside during the afternoons...

Craig went to Olive Garden with Chris and his family for supper...
celebrating Chris' birthday...

DH and I are on our computers doing our own thing...
I would bet his is sports related...

thinking about taking a nap until we can go outside again...
have a good day and stay safe and cool...


  1. Poor Craig, sorry he got attacked.
    Sorry about the babies being so ill.
    Yes, fleas can drain everything out of the babies.

  2. I am so sorry about the babies. The mother must be frightened to death to not come and find her babies. It is sad, isn't it?

    Poor Craig...he REALLY got scratched up. At least it wasn't his SWEAR finger (as the girls call it).

    I worked outside all day long and I am beyond tired. Gonna hi the sack early I think- xo Diana

  3. oh my gosh, how sad, so sad, i have been in this spot when we had kitties, I'm so sorry, my heart goes out to you.
    I want to thankyou for finding me through Dianna, you touched my heart when you wrote you run through corn fields it resonated with me, We need to stick together you and I , we have something in common, thankyou again sweet lady, my heart goes out toyou and your cat family,

  4. I remember those days all too well.
    Trying to nurse sick kittens left at our farm. People would actually stuff them in our mailbox. It was heartbreaking for my girls.
    Bless your heart, Tete.
    I hope you are able to get outside and enjoy the weekend some.
    It's raining here today. That's okay, my gardens need it.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!