Sunday, May 6, 2012

come see...

this is Friday night's fish dinner...
it was yummo...

and then yesterday, we got some photos of the mother's garden...
the dutch iris are so pretty...

we did not get this area finished...
it turned off hot and we needed to work in the shade...
by the time the shade came around, we were too pupt from finding other things to do..

these bulbs were planted last fall...

and I am going to add more to the other beds...

DH went to town yesterday and came home with this...
a yellow climbing rose...

the tag said it was pink...
but that sure looks yellow to me...
he said it was the only yellow one in a sea of pink...

more of these guys...

those are the 3 different colors that have come up...

yesterday was a hard day...
took all of this up and spread the black Preen no weed fabric and then put it all back...

this is just wonderful...
not much room left to stick anything in it...

and the rest are just a few photos I got just walking around...

we worked over here today...

onions are up!

and the rest of the flowers that we have are planted...

today we weeded over here...

and Craig pulled the magic tub out from under the deck...
and we washed all the fun things up and got those scattered about...

there's a special little guy going oui oui in the flowers again...
you'll have to come back tomorrow to see who I am talking about..
if you haven't figured it out already...

and I will show you the things that have been packed away for months...
and how the whole thing came out...

it is hot here...
and humid...
got the air on and the humidity is still 50% inside...
but we had a good day...
and it is looking better...
always more to do, you know...

did get a couple names for deck construction...
so will be giving them a call tomorrow and hopefully getting some estimates...
also have a couple looking for more bowling balls for me...
you can never have too many of those...
well, maybe you can...
but I'm not there...

also, it was a good day to reflect...
being thankful...
and I am so going to miss my friends as they party on the other side...
and I know they are having the best time...
and they are meeting up with friends and loved ones who have been there for a long time...
kind, good souls are always missed on this side...
and they were both that indeed...
and thank you for all your prayers sent and your kind words...
peace to you...


  1. Tete, Your garden looks beautiful! I especially love the area with the birdcage and statue. You have many beautiful flowers and they are combined nicely with art. Love it!
    Hugs, Beth

  2. So many cute gardens. I really like the one with the statue, and the birdcage.
    You guys have been busy outside, and it sure shows.
    All the flowers are looking bright and cheery.
    It rained here all day, so after work, I wasn't able to work outside....pooh.
    Have a restful night, Tete.

  3. Oh your garden is lovely. I want to start a rose garden. I need some good advice. Sounds like you got alot done! Enjoy the summer! We are getting much needed rain tonight. We had a bad storm last night and missed the big moon! :(
    Have a good week.

  4. Hi sure have been busy!
    And yes, that rose looks yellow to meLOL. Everything looks beautiful, so your hard work is paying off.

  5. Oh, how pretty your gardens are Tete. I love that 'pink' rose ... what a chuckle!
    The rewards of your hard work are such beauties.

    I lost 2 roses this winter ... :(

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  6. Yum, Yum on the Fish dinner, especially when you put the malt vinegar on it & the fries! I love seeing your flowers, we still are not having the blooms you are showing, I think so many were freaked out by the strange weather & decided to not bloom, the lilacs came & went so early that I never got a sniff ~ Boo Hoo (my favorite flower)

    Also, Yes, I have been doing the Marketplace Monday with Debra at Common ground, have not had any luck with it, but still do it~

    Off to pull more boxes out of storage, a few friends are planning a Garage Sale the 23rd & 24th so I am getting it all ready ~

    Have a wonderful week

    PS, for some reason your comment you left me does NOT link back to your blog~ I have to go to my list of blogs where you are.... not sure why? you're more of the blogging expert than I!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!