Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 1 is over...

ok, so here it is so far...
it is so big!
I am going to need the wheel chair to get to the other end and back...
we got a tenth of an inch of rain last night...
not enough to help anything...
and it took them forever to get the holes dug...
they went down 4 feet and never found anything damp...
they found tree roots, a rock and the old underground telephone line...
everything now is run overhead...
the poles are leveled and set in concrete...
80 pounds per hole...
I would think they would be done by the end of the week...
so guess where I will be this weekend...
yep, out there telling my guys where to put things!


  1. good for you! Keep those guys in line!

  2. woo hoo! progress!! I know you just might feel like dancing right about now. :-) Can't wait to see the finished project and hear the whole story.. Hope Craig is okay and the kitties.. ((HUGS)) Tete... :-) **and yes > platters were thrifted. If it's in my house...it was thrifted... !! xoxo

  3. Oh- I am SOOO excited for you! It is going to be great, Tete, and I can't wait for you to get out there and boss those guys around- xo Diana

  4. No w/c you will be so happy u will be running around the deck! LOL
    I can not wait to see the final look.

  5. I have Deck envy just looking at that picture. You'll really enjoy that one. Grab a whip and chair and put the guys to work.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!