Saturday, May 19, 2012

its been a good day...

well, downloaded a new collage program for a free trial...
it does it automatically...
I like to be in control, so won't be paying for it...
but here is today in a nutshell...
we puttered around all day...
DH made the dreaded Wally World run this afternoon and brought home Monical's Pizza for supper...
I am very happy about getting down to one pill a day...
and not real sure I need that...
everything is staying low and level...
it was a little warmer out today, but bearable...
we did have the air on in here...
praying for rain...
got a chance tomorrow night through Monday night...
not a big chance, but we so need it...
the battery charger wasn't plugged in all the way, so the camera is down until morning...
glad I got some photos this morning while we were out watering...

tomorrow will be a moving day, and probably the rest of the week...
DH has a four day weekend coming up...
perfect timing to get ready for the deck guys to come the week after and start hammering away...
I really want to get this done...
so many other things will happen and fall into place once that is up and going...
if I can drag my butt off of it long enough to do anything...

have a great night...


  1. What kind of batteries do you use, Tete? I have hybrid batteries, usually last at least 3 or more months between charges, and they last and last and last. Aren't much more expensive than regular rechargables.

    I like the collage but like you, don't think I'd pay for it.
    Hugs sis,

  2. I do like the collage...however, unlike you I have NO idea how to make one..yeah..yeah...what else is new?

    I can't wait for you to get your deck. I think I am almost as excited as you are about actually seeing it.

    I hope you have a good Sunday. MyHero is on call today which means he goes to get communion ready at teh hospital early...usually about 120+ patients want communion.

    I am off to Starbucks and then outside to water. I got a LOT done again yesterday...feeling better feels good! xo Diana ps...I hope you can eventually get off your meds.

  3. One pill a day!!! I can only imagine!! good for you, girl!!
    The collage is beautiful, Tete.
    I like the background on your blog design, too.
    So the deck is finally going to happen, huh? how cool!
    It was almost 90 here yesterday. I've been watering every night after work. Supposed to get some rain tonight..just a little tho.
    Enjoy your Sunday, toots!

  4. Ok if you were in Paris instead of Charleston I will let you get by without buying a Paglia's pizza!

    Can't wait to see the pictures of your deck as they build it and get it done!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!