Wednesday, May 9, 2012


now ain't that the truth?
everything bad that you feel about yourself when you are trying the best you can and searching for the right path in God's light, comes from the devil...
he is trying to pull us all down with self pity, low self esteem and worry...
well, send him packing...
you don't need that in your life...
in Jesus' name, he has to flee...
that's the deal...
so soak up the holy spirit today and bask in the SON..
because life's too short to let him win even one little battle..

yep, we do...

now go out and smile at someone...
you pass on God's love that way...
and make them wonder if you're just super sweet or cracked...
either way, it works...

have a great day...
I slept all night long and I can still move this morning...
breakfast, shower and dressed is done...
Just waiting on the boys...
Doug might be up today or tomorrow...
got Craig up once, but I hear him snoring again...
he went from his bed to mine...'
so, off I go to torment my children...
its going to be a fun day...


  1. Perfect post, perfectly said! I want you to know that I am smiling as I write this!
    Don't be too hard on your children! hehehe!
    Have a beautiful day!
    ♥ Jil

  2. LOL torment the children, that is a good one.
    Thanks for the prayers for Bobby (daughter's father in law) Waiting to hear when his surgery or surgeries will be, may be 3 of them.

  3. Tete. I needed your post today. Thank you. Smiles, Susie

  4. I so enjoyed this post.It was a great way to start the day!

  5. Love your post, Tete. Why am I NOT surprised that you are into tormenting your children?;>) xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!