Tuesday, May 1, 2012

want to walk in the rain?

did these photos on hubby's laptop with a new program that I am not used to...

I got so bored sitting in here earlier and I so needed to walk, I just grabbed my umbrella and the camera and out I went...

here is the thermometer that I re-did...
that's a base of Jade in Krylon spray paint and then I took the acrylics and went over the numbers with a Q-tip, used a cotton ball for the high lights on the leaves...
sprayed on a sealer this morning and then the storms came...

I still have much to do...

we snagged this at Ninny's on Saturday...
it will go in our mother's garden area...
I think it needs a touch up...

everything looks so much deeper in the rain...

we have a plan for the easter eggs...
if they are still there for Halloween, we are spraying them orange and black...

so much rain today...

dianthus soaking wet...

that last bloom is hanging on...

rose of sharon leaves...

hiding places...

this is about to bloom!
it is the sweetest smelling this ever!

columbine with their heads hanging low...

and finally...
a self portrait...
of a crazy lady walking in the rain and taking photos...
a guy went by in a truck while I was out there...
I am sure he has this pegged at the nut house now...
good thing this is a dead end and it was only one wayward vehicle...
but he was on his cell phone and I could be famous before nightfall...

just got the chicken out of the oven...
gona debone it and have chicken and noodles for supper tonight...
mashed potatoes and a veggie and we should be good to go...

its hot in here!
I think we are going to have to open a window or 2..

talked to my bestie this afternoon  on the phone...
she is working through her life and I know she has so much to figure out right now...
but I am so proud at how far she has come..
she is amazing and she doesn't even know it...
she'll find out...

well, that's all from here...
gotta run and get some more done...
later, girls...


  1. Leave it to you Tete to make the most of a rainy day. Love all the pics and by the way, I am comig for supper....yum! Blessings!

  2. Those are some pretty photos for a rainy day. You are way ahead of me in the flower department. I keep shopping, but not buying. I want to cut back on how many flowers I buy this year, so I'm trying to be choosy.

  3. Tete-What a wonderful, wonderful post. I love the rainy pictures...everything looks so lush and green. You know, of course, that I love the CRAZY lady picture. You know I do.

    I am so glad your bestie is getting it figured out. It all takes time ane some of us learn our lesson slower than others- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!