Monday, June 25, 2012

hello and goodbye...

went out to the nursery yesterday morning...
and brought home some new friends...

petunias and sweet potato vine...

always love these purple with green tinted blooms...

hanging thunbergia...
and clematis...
DH's favorite plant of all...

and he picked this one out...

cute little flowers...
happy flowers and it vines up and around anything it can...

moved my potting bench back over by the deck over the weekend and I did laundry this morning and got all the gardening gloves washed and hung up to dry...

.8 of rain last Thursday and a sprinkle or two yesterday afternoon late = a brown yard...
still praying for more...

day lilies are showing off all over the place...

and it won't be long until they are spent...
so taking them in while we can...

sedum is about to bloom...
seen many yesterday when we went for a drive that are in full bloom...
too early!

love this piece...

got some onions this morning...

and another newby...
a white rose impatien...

some days are just made for playing in the dirt and this is one of them...
wonderful, brisk breeze with cool temps = lazy, take your time and play day...
soaking up as much as we can because later this week they are calling for hundred degree days and that means inside for me...

saying goodbye to Charlie...

Please pray for a family who lost a wonderful man in their life last night. His name was Charlie and he had a heart attack, was gone for over 30 minutes and they revived him. Scan showed no brain function, so the family had to make the choice of unhooking him on Saturday afternoon. He was 55-60, our guess, but the family is so close and the love so great, their pain is going to be massive as they go through the motions the rest of the week with visitation and the funeral. His wife is Ramona and his daughters are Stephanie and Charla. Charla used to babysit for us when the kids were not quite to that age where you can leave them alone and they had great times with her and her family on Friday nights when we bowled in league. Charlie never met a stranger and always seemed happy go lucky anytime you would run into him. Always a tease with a great sense of humor and a little mischief twinkle in his eye. I am sure he lifted Jesus robe as soon as he got in the gate just for laughs. He will be so missed by the whole town. It sure is Heaven's gain and I am so glad that he was called home soon and didn't have to suffer. 

so, get out there and enjoy today...
we may not have tomorrow...


  1. I prayed for comfort for Charley's family; that is a shocker and a tough decision. Your flowers and yard are gorgeous; love day lilies, mine are blooming too, and your bench looks like a place to sit and dream for a few moments.

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and that the pain his family is feeling.

    I see u got a picasso petunia and a black eye susan vine.
    On my walk through the yard today I noticed my sedum was about ready to bloom!! holy cow!

  3. I will say a prayer for Charlie's family. So young to go. Love your petunias. I've got two big hanging ones just like that we picked up 1/2 off at Lowe's. Enjoy your cool temps while they last:)

  4. Prayers for the family of Charlie, as they go through the process of saying see ya later..

    Flowers are gorgous. Mine are stressed, it was 109 degrees yesterday, in the rain in a month or more, a couple of showers that barely wet the top of the soil.

  5. Remembering Charlie's family, Tete.
    Love your flowers as always. I have never seen the green edged petunias before. such amazing varieties nowadays. eye candy - courtesy of it. Have a great day. I know you are having fun. xoxo

  6. Prayed for Charlie's family.
    Your flowers are all so pretty, Tete.
    LOVE the black eyed susan vine!! They grow like crazy!
    Your potting bench looks cute with the gloves hanging on the front.
    It's supposed to heat up here, too.
    We'll be watering everything everyday.
    Enjoy your week, Sweetpea.

  7. Tete, So sorry about your friend Charlie. A shame. I just lost my bff to a sudden heart attack. She was just shrugging off symtems. I miss her.
    Thanks for showing us around your yard.I love seeing how your flowers are doing. Smiles to you xo, Susie

  8. Oh- How sad for that family- but I am glad he didn't suffer, too. I will keep them in my prayers.

    Your gardens are just beautiful and I have never seen that plant before that I know of...the thunbergia. What a pretty plant. Hope you have a good night- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!