Wednesday, June 6, 2012

its done...

well, it really didn't take that long...
with the rain delays and all...

I can't wait until we can paint it next year...

the guys weren't gone 30 minutes and Rebecca stopped by to see the progress...

Craig had some of the furniture up here in no time...

there's more to do and more to tweek...

DH cooked on the grill tonight while I took a quick nap...
I am still tired and glad that things are done...
not sure when we will get it all moved around...
may need a day or two to recover from all of it and get back on my schedule...
got painting to do and stuff to pick up...
naps to take and all that fun stuff...
going around the yard finding things that need to go here to make it fun...

you all have a great night...
I have a deck to break in...


  1. Oh it looks wonderful!! I bet your sooooo excited! And how nice to see Rebecca! Miss her and hope she makes it to our family reunion next month.
    Looking forward to see how you fix up the porch!

  2. I am sooo tickled for you, Tete. Did it turn out even prettier than you thought it would? I absolutely love it. You are going to LIVE out there weather permitting.

    It is fun to see a picture of Rebecca there with you- xo Diana

  3. May God Bless your new addition and you always find it peaceful and comforting. A wonderful place to gather with your loved one's..
    Very nice..

  4. Drink a glass of something for me, to toast the new addition. That is like having a new room on your home.

  5. How saweet is that, Tete!!!! You are going to have so much fun putting it all together! Did you take a nap out there yet?
    How nice of Rebecca to stop by to see your new outdoor room.

  6. NO WAAAY! Can't believe it is done. They worked super fast !!! It looks awesome. LOVE the Lattice. what fun you will have with that....and already the first visitor to break it in with you. rah! I can smell the grill cookin' as I imagine sitting there with you...Get a music source plugged in out there....good stuff on the grill...Bebe on your lap...ALL your senses going...and that mag with Mr. Depp...send me a pic will ya? when you get to that pose... HUGS to you Tete. and I am excited with ya!! Nothing will beat being outside...looking at the riot of flower color you have worked so hard on, and getting fresh air and sunshine...heck!.. even out viewing a lightning display is enjoyable as long as it is in the very FAR distance... xoxoxo ENJOY!!!

  7. My goodness your deck is perfect! I love all the beauty of it. You know how to pull it all together. TLC you need some of that too! Take care! Your day lilies are so pretty. Sigh. I want a rose garden and lots of colorful flowers.I have a couple small areas I may plant some flowers in. I also have 3 little planters on the front porch. I need a bench or rocker something to add some home sweet home feeling to it!
    Have a beautiful week!

    Hugs Anne


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!