Sunday, July 8, 2012

got the cold front...

spent the morning out here...

and here...

looking around and enjoying a cool breeze...

visiting the side yard that I haven't seen in 3 weeks except from out the windows...

tomatoes are doing well...
with lots of little ones that will be ready for the freezer soon...
can you say chili when the fall winds blow in?

the rose of sharon is not doing well...

very few blooms opening up...

not one Japanese beetle on the whole thing!
then BANG...
it hit...

so this has been most of the day...
wish I looked that good when I have one of these...

up and down, 2 walks, a sprinkle came and went...
lounging on the deck and supper...
just got out of the shower...
need to dry my hair before it sticks like this...

its in the 70s now and we have one more  chance of rain before 9pm...

Bebe's buddy Chrissy was put down yesterday...
she had cancer and it was getting worse for her...
so her mommy took her in...
Bebe doesn't know yet...
he is going to be confused for awhile when she doesn't come out to play with Snikki...
well, heading for the blow dryer...


  1. I'm glad it's cooled off for you, Tete...but sorry to hear you had a migraine. HATE having those!
    Still no rain for us. We just keep watering here.
    Enjoy the break in the heat, Sweetie pie. Take a nice nap on the deck.
    Love to you.

  2. Cooler here just clouds for 2 hrs NO RAIN!!

    Sorry for Bebe loss. Did ur kitty go to live with a new family? loved seeing his cute picture.

    If u had not been in the side yard in 3 weeks...where r the weeds? Mine have taken over everything :(

  3. I am so glad it cooled off there, Tete. I know how miserable it has been. That is awful that you got a migraine though. Terrible, I know.

    I a hoping that you have a wonderful few days and can really enjoy your porch now- xo Diana

  4. isn't it great to be able to go outside again? I feel like I've been living in a cave.
    I love your tomato cage idea using the cute!

  5. G'morn Tete ~ We got those cooling rains & temps in the middle of the night. Thank God for the relief. So welcomed. Sorry about your migraine, hope it released itself quickly. We got our first tomato the other day, way early for us, but ohhhh, how deelish it wa!

    Have a great day ~
    TTFN ~

  6. Tete...Hope the migraine did not linger...Scat Bully!!! SO thrilled for the cooler temps for you and here too!! OH it felt so good late last night and this morning...back to 60's and 80's this week. RAH! Gardens are looking outstanding!!! so sorry for your friend who had to give up her fur buddy... :-( I am saying a prayer for her to make it through this time "after"...very difficult... xoxo to you. Hope you feel good today!! :-)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!