Saturday, July 21, 2012

thank you so much...

just wanted to do a quick post to let you all know that my storm has passed...
it was a very rough 8 hours, beginning at 2pm yesterday afternoon...
I had set a time that by midnight, if it hadn't eased up any, I was ER bond...
at 10pm, I was sitting on the deck with the guys, out of bed and out of the bathroom...
this is only the second time that I have had pinched nerves so bad that they made me sick...
I did throw up this time, first time in 14 years...
I'm just not an upchucker...
just doesn't happen...
the guys got real intentive when that happened...

I want to thank all of you for your prayers...
they do work...
and for NanaDiana for her post this morning...
and for my guys who spent hours trying to make it better...
hours of back rubs, they took turns...
running for what I needed...
holding my head...
and all the endless showers I did to relieve the pain...
my DH sat on the toilet and made sure I didn't fall...
getting me dried off every time and nightgown back on...
for Craig and the wonderful post he did when I asked him to...
he knew I needed help and you would respond...

and most of all, to God, for answering prayers...
for taking my pain when I couldn't do it any longer...
for calming my seas...
and lifting me up in His arms...
He kept my blood sugar up at a safe level when I couldn't eat...
He carried me through a peaceful night...
where I could rest comfortably...
and I am eating this morning fine...
will watch it for a bit, not over doing anything...
and taking it slow the next few days...
I am sore all over...
but I am out of bed, upright and soon to be dressed...

have a great weekend and spread His love...


  1. Blessings to you this day! Diana told me to come visit and I'm so glad she did. You have a lovely blog. I'm sorry you've been bothered by a pinched nerve(I've had herniated discs and sciatica), I know how horrid it can be. I'm anxious to get to know you and will be following you. I'd love for you to visit me.

  2. Glad you are feeling better , will pray you continue to improve !

  3. Here by way of Diana. God bless you during all of this. Prayers and (((((HUGS)))))

  4. I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  5. Hugs, glad you are feeling better, I just got home to find Craig's post and then your update.

  6. Oh Tete, I am so sorry to hear this. I just happen to be visiting blogs today and found your post. I am so glad you feel better. Yes! We have a great God and He cares for our very need. I am so glad he answered your cry to ease the pain you were experiencing. Blessings and take it easy! To God be the glory!!!

  7. I'm a friend of Nana Diana. Dropping by to check on you. I am praying that you will continue to be strengthened and pain-free.

  8. Oh Tete! I'm so sorry that I missed your post on your rough day! But I'm glad that you're back on your feet and feeling better, sweetie. I WILL pray that you continue to heal quickly and will feel good as new!

    Hugs to you, my friend!

    xoxo laurie

  9. that you are feeling better can I start harassing you again?;>) Just don't want to miss that opportunity if it is available! Love ya-Diana

  10. Hi Sweet Lady, I am so happy to hear that you are doing better, God Bless your Guys, they sure got you thru this one.... I have been so busy with the new work, that I am hardly having time to get on my blog ~ but know that You are Always in my daily Prayers! God Bless & Heal You ~ xox

  11. Hi Tete, I came by the way of Diana. I didn't get to come yesterday, but I wanted you to know you are in my prayers and will continue to pray that you are improving with each passing day. I firmly believe that God is present when we need him the most. Take care and have a beautiful day. A Missouri Friend.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!