Thursday, July 26, 2012

waiting on the rain...

we had clouds, but no rain...

so far...

Craig and I buzzed around town...

after we got stopped by a train on the Ashmore Road...

100 cars...

took awhile..

but it finally passes and off we went...

snapping photos along the way...

the last bit of work to do at the high school...

this is at our lake...

its low even though we don't use from it anymore...

and we saw some great clouds...

creeks are down and not moving at all...

crops are stressed bad...

saw this little patch of sun flowers...

a dry creek bed...

and then the back of the elevator...

farm implements line highway...

and the weeds surround them...

thought maybe this line would drop something on us, but no...
next chance is about supper time...
we are cooler- highs in the low 90s...
but we are getting used to it...
seems like a cool day today for us...


  1. Tete- I am so sorry that you still don't have any rain. You are as arid there as we have been here. Love all your photos as you "went along". Is that grain elevator where your DH works?

    I drove home from Milwaukee in a blinding rain storm. I pulled off the road-along with about 25 other cars- and sat until the worst of it had passed. I am NOT complaining as we are desperate for the rain. Same thing happened about 30 minutes later and I was only off to the side for about 15 mins. that time. the wait.

    I hope you have a good night. WE may get more rain tonight - I hope so but it is probably too little too late now. xo Diana

  2. Thank you for taking us on your ride through town today.
    We finally got some rain last night.
    It was a doozy of a storm too.
    LOTS of lightening. The ground soaked up about an inch of rain. The flowers look pretty awful, but we will take whatever we get.
    I hope you get some rain soon, Tete.

  3. I love the town photos, and the grain elevator. Wish those clouds had produced some moisture for your area.

    We got a very light shower last night, not enough to do anything other than settle the dust. We are in an EXTREME drought area, and I gave up on trying to save the tomatoes and peppers. Just a few stressed flowers left.

  4. Ashmore road? We call it Oakland rd!! LOL, I guess when u r from Ashmore we call it that!
    Going your way Sat. Meeting at patterson springs to see if the Matson trial folks will be working with us on the Charleston riot.

    No rain here either...the ONLY rain I have seen is when we tried to go to the cemetery NW of Ashmore 2 weeks ago!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!