Saturday, July 28, 2012

workin' 'em hard today...

even with the drought, we have a bumper crop of these...

looks so much like fall..

worked this bed this morning...

we have clouds coming out of the north...

clearing things out and cutting back...
was only going to do the lilies, but the iris were brown on the ends, so cut them back, too...

with the early spring, and being so dry, we are about 4 weeks or better ahead of schedule...

a pile of things to do...

just waiting...

there isn't the lush greenery we usually have about now...

but there is some green...

it is much cooler today...

and the work went fast...

use this old milk crate for the garden hand tools...

grape vine made it so far...
no new growth...

DH worked on the other side, mowing off the ferns...

and Craig and I worked over here together...

I can't believe not one neighbor was out enjoying the morning...

it was nice sitting here smelling the gas from the mower...
just hearing it run was awesome...

there are just some summer noises you miss...

had an article in the paper today about the grass...
is it dormant or dead?
we won't know until we get some rain...

the trees have been shedding leaves like crazy already...

we took a walk down the street to the corn field and the weeds along it...

these are all along the road way...

they will be picking corn in about 3 weeks...
the ears are dropping...

neighbor's yard...
there is beauty in the weeds...

Mr Wiggles loves to roll in the dust...

and Tory follows us on walks...

DH walked to the end of the lot to check on his willow tree...
its green with new growth...
go figure...

well, while trying to get this posted, Boofy, the calico had a seizure...
she has never had one before, and she is in and its cool in here, so not the heat...
but she has been out every day in it...
loves being outside...
so we are going to watch her and see what happens...

the guys are eating lunch and then we are going to find something else to do...


  1. Hi Tete, Hope your kitty is ok. I know you love them so! It looks like the end of August rather than the end of July here in the garden. Things are wanting to "retire" for the year. Hope you get rain soon. We got a little a couple of nights ago and have a chance today and tomorrow. It has been in so much cooler yesterday and today which meant I could get out and really get some gardening work done.
    Hugs, Beth

  2. Wow- You guys got a LOT done. Hubby looks like he was working hard today. I hope your kitty is okay. Poor thing.

    I went out and mowed when I got home tonight- 2 hours on the rider but I didn't want to do it on Sunday. I need to start cutting things back, too. It just seems so early, doesn't it? xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!