Saturday, August 25, 2012


here are a few of the pinks in the yard this year...

a lot fewer than I normally have...

but with the summer as it was...

any pink is better than no pink...

a tad warmer and humid here...

but we have a couple days coming soon that could bring more rain...

not sure if we are going to be working outside much this weekend...

most of it is done...

Craig and I have been busy this week...

maybe I could talk the guys into cleaning inside...
like the closets and under the beds...
probably not...
but maybe!

have a great weekend!


  1. What lovely shades of pink, and any pink is better than no pink, I agree.
    Showered here this morning, wish it would rain and make everything green.

  2. My knock out rose and dahlia are the only splash of color these days!

  3. Your pinks are sweet and pretty, Tete. I have to get outside and water today or I won't have any pinks left! I am glad you and Craigers got lots done this week. If they won't clean closets make the scrub the toilet! xo Diana

  4. Hi Tete, I adore pinks in the garden! Pinks and purples, my favorite. Your blooms are still pretty. Your althea has been a reliable beauty for you this summer! Hope you have a good week!
    Hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!