Monday, September 24, 2012

just another fall day...

spent the afternoon in these...

planting these...

waiting for a phone call about my step mom...

still no word...

not sure what's going on...

surely someone would have called if something had...

still praying...

God's there...

and He has it under control...

but in the meantime...

He gave us a sweatshirt kind of day...

we have rain coming the next 3 days, so wanted to be out here as much as I could...

corn stalks blow in from everywhere around here...

and our mower guy showed up this afternoon, too...

he buried his father yesterday, so wasn't able to get to us last week...

praying for his family, too...

seasons come and seasons go...
and we all must bloom and we all must wither...
to be reborn again in the new spring...


  1. I am sorry for his loss, it is hard to let go of family.
    Hope you hear something today, from your stepmom.
    Those flowers are beautiful, what color are those, I'd love to have some in my pots by the door.

  2. I was wondering how things were going, Tete. So true about the seasons of life. Sometimes it's pretty hard to take those changes. What pretty flowers! I need to get out and do some fall clean up big time!!

  3. On a day when we need a little help from above, what could be better than to get your hands dirty working in the yard. Hope by now you have heard something? does she have any children herself? just hoping she is not alone.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!