Tuesday, October 16, 2012

new friends...

we have some new full time trick or treaters here...
just look at those faces...

and look what the scarecrow is holding...
a little black baby...

would you believe that I found these online?
from a local gal who posts photos of things she wants to sell?
as soon as they popped up, I was on it...
my favorite words?
the ghostie had a little bitty green bow tie and the pumpkin had a green felt leaf thing going on...
just grabbed some homespun and the glue gun and fixed that...
I think I might make a couple more...
looks easy enough...
how about a frankenstein, a mummy and a werewolf?
pint size like these guys...
then we would have a whole crowd of trick or treaters...
that will be something to work on during the cold winter months...

Craig is out distributing canisters for Christmas Is A Child...
we made 6 to put out in the local businesses this year...
plans are moving right along for it...
won't be long until its time to distribute the toys again...

have a fun day and absorb all those sun rays you can...
you know what's coming next!

1 comment:

  1. What Cute ideas to make more of those monsters. And I can see a Santa and a few other things in your future.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!