Thursday, November 1, 2012

birds and roses...

got to fill the feeder again...
poor birds had to wait on a perch to eat...

and can you believe roses in November?  

its not the same around here...
just not the same...
3 babies left here yesterday at noon...
and its just too quiet now!
no crashes...
no galloping...
no oops...
no saying no all the time...
its just not right...
hope they get adopted...
will know on Saturday...

well, I think I will take a nap with all this silence...

making plans for demoing the halloween decor on Saturday...
looks like DH is out of harvest mode and off the overtime...
and so far, he's got 2 whole days off this time...
gona put that man to work!

Have a great day...
keep praying for the ones effected by Sandy and all the weather since...
doesn't look good in some areas at all...
and don't forget to give a smile away today...
someone might have misplaced theirs...


  1. Beautifully Taken.
    Oh how lovely roses on that fence gate. So pretty like you say for
    Nov first.

    The first picture the wee birds.
    Pretty as well.

  2. Cute about giving a smile since someone may have lost one.

  3. Awwww..I am sorry that you are missing your babies, Tete. I am sure you will soon have more to take care of. Love to you- Diana

  4. What a big heart you have to help those babies find a forever home-it's sad to see them go I'm sure but such a loving gift to their new parents. Your amazing to follow that mission. It's because of hearts like yours that I have my new friends-thank you.
    Hugs from Ellie, Jada & Scully


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!