Monday, November 12, 2012

OMGosh! Its brrrrrr out there!

well, if you have been listening in this past weekend...
you know we were in the 70s the last couple days...
not anymore...
ok, so it doesn't really look like this...
but it FEELS like this...

ok, ok...
so it really looks like this out there...

and this...

but its 3 pm and we still have ice on the steps...

but the roses are still blooming...

and budding...
this is one tough cookie, let me tell you...

and I have one die hard snap dragon keeping up...

so maybe the 30 degree drop in temperature has something to do with this...
I stuck ONE little Christmas thing out this weekend...

or maybe its because I got this for Craig at Walmart on Saturday...
his new official cookie dunkin' cup...

whatever happened, it feels like frozen tundra in my neck of the woods...
but we did get the outside work done for the winter...
so that's cool...
the guys can put up the lights and stuff while I watch from inside...
but that will be later on...
DH seems to wait for a blizzard to do it in...

we did have a chance of snow mixed in with the rain last night...
so I pulled the curtains closed and refused to watch...

if you're scoopin' snow...
I'm sorry...
if you're sun bathin'...
I don't want to know...

Have a good one!
Craig's getting ready to head to Champaign for an Illini basket ball game with one of MY friends...
and DH is in PT right now and should be home before long...
a nice quiet night...
I think...
so I might be back in here to poke fun at you...


  1. I know you cursed us with all that cold weather by having that one flipping little Xmas decoration out! High of 33ยบ here today- UGH-We were in the mid 60's yesterday,too.

    I hope you do have a quiet night- wish I was having one myself- xo Diana

  2. I have a hanger on my porch that says Let it Snow...but I didn't want it to snow here, did I jinx you?

  3. We have had a cold spell too! I guess we live where the snow likes got blow! Stay warm! I am drinking hot chai tea with steamed milk! Sigh!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!