Sunday, November 25, 2012


got the living room cleaned and moved the furniture around...

then out came the tree...

and one snowman...

so far, that's it...

I am sure more boxes will be sneaking out over the next week to find a place to sit...
so, do you have your tree up yet????

I still have the one to go in the kitchen, but not over doing it in case they want to over haul me this week...
then, I can sit and order the guys around...
just like I did this morning...
no football until it was done...
they worked pretty darn good...
I will have to remember that...


  1. Finally got a tree up.. it is begining to look more like Christmas here..... I hope all goes well with you. Take the time to rest today and enjoy your work... blessings!

  2. Glad to hear that your crew is cooperating, Tete:)! Looking good! When will you find out about your surgery?

  3. Your tree looks really beautiful! You are in my thoughts and prayers, Tete.

  4. Looking good, Tete. Got our main tree up today but only half the lights we will be working on that tomorrow. I got quite a lot done and lots unpacked and ready to go...but I am BEAT tonight- xo Diana

  5. Love your snowman. Yes the tree is up come visit!

  6. No tree up here, but that isn't unusual for me. Lovely snowman,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!