Friday, December 7, 2012

rainy days and play times...

well, I redid the mantle again right before lunch...

put the swag up above, woven in the wrought iron...

Love this...

I should be getting other things done, but heading in to take a nap...

was trying to get shots of the busy bird feeder this morning...
and guess who popped by?

he was probably waiting for them to drop something...
this feeder is visited every morning by these wee wingers...
and they wait in line until its their turn...

come back tomorrow and I will tell you the most funniest story you have ever heard...
and the most funniest part is that its all true...



  1. Well, I will be waiting to hear the funniest story ever. It is after 2am and I am just getting around to blog visiting. I am too tired to sleep- xo Diana

  2. I want to hear that story too. I wish I could decorate a mantle, but I don't have one, darn it.

    Love the visitors to your feeder. I've got to get some feed for mine, we are expecting winter to show up about Monday.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!