Thursday, December 13, 2012


I guess I had a date with my husband tonight...
straight from work we headed for town...
had to hit the bank before it closed to make a deposit...
so, since Craig was helping a friend deliver a sofa and chair up north...
it was just my guy and me...

we did the Dollar Tree for a few things...
gift bags, which look better and are a lot cheaper than Walmart...
a few things for Doug...
and a couple more tooth brushes for me since I have thrush so I can change them often...
then we went next door to the Walmart super center for animal food so we don't have to shop this weekend at all...

and even though it didn't look like this...

it felt like this...
remember shopping door to door?
through the snow and wind?

the window fronts and the sound of Christmas carols in the air...

cars passing by...
neighbors shouting Merry Christmas?

we so miss those times...
the magical moments you remember from childhood...
well, I often wondered why there were always so many people at Walmart all the time...

I think because they miss this...
if you checked out the carts of people in there...
most of them had under 3 items in them...
I think they were there just to be there...
to get out...
to mingle...
and we ran into 6 people...
who we haven't seen in person for so long...
and we spent so much time talking and catching up...
more than we spent shopping...
and we left feeling like we had had the best evening out, ever...
the night sky was amazing coming home, so full of stars and crystal clear...
we do not have snow yet...
but the feeling is still there...
we ate supper when we got home and watched a Christmas movie all together...
it seemed like we were normal again...
and I felt apart of it...
that's something that hasn't happened in over 10 years...
and here are a few fun things I have found in the last couple of days...

this is so easy and you can use salt to fill the vases...
we all have bushes we could trim some sprigs from...
easy and elegant...

I love this wreath...

and this just made me smile...
I may be on the look out for red clothes at rummage sales this year to do me a Christmas clothes line...

and this is for you...
sending you the magic of this time of the year...

take the time to find simplicity in the days to come...
take a moment to breathe in all the wonder of the season...
take a look at those around you and be thankful...
feel the season...
Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you, too, Tete! Glad you are getting out and about. Those red clothes on the line are just too darn cute! Looks like they are stiff from the cold:)

  2. Tete- You have such a way with words and creating a story scene. I just love having you as my friend. You make me see things in a whole new way sometimes. I LOVE those clothes on the line. I think any old white things in a vat of red dye would work! What a fun idea!

    Hope you have a wonderful day- I am picking up Thing 1,2 &3 after school and they are staying for the weekend. What fun! maybe...... xo Diana

  3. I remember as a child, driving into town to see the Christmas parade, and all the stores stayed open late (for that time) and we shopped, and maybe had a bowl of chili at Jack and Elsies cafe.
    So different from today. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

  4. Wow, this is a beautiful post. In our area it was Pranges motion window displays, they are all in a museum downtown and they sure give that memory of an
    easier time. Thanks for bringing that up for me, Tete.

  5. OH My!!! I love red Christmas on the clothes line.
    Smiles, Dottie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!