Monday, December 10, 2012

they're back...

my tree in the kitchen...
just dug through the ornament bins to see what was left...
added some silk flowers...

and this is what happened...
never, ever have a plan for the trees...
I just plop things on, in and through...
the lights are the purple Halloween lights we had on the deck this fall...

well, we got a call last night and Jane brought back Max and Amanda...
who we called Zigs and Lazarus...
the adoption fell through...
so they are here for a month and then back to Petropics...
but not if I can help it...
they came home sick and thin...
not in good shape at all...
Laz has an eye infection and both are sneezing...
started them on antibiotics as soon as they came in...
and they remembered us!
they were happy to be back...
as soon as I get them healed back up and some weight on them...
I will start posting them and see if we can't find them a home...
before they have to return to that place...
I am going to have to make a trip over there and see what kind of conditions they have been in...
maybe I could help them do better with babies they have in there...
who knows if they will listen or not, but we can try...

going to rest up and take it easy today...
wait for the phone call...
to let me know when surgery is tomorrow...
got several things planned for Craig today...
would love to come home to everything clean and in its place, with nothing to do...
but that won't happen...

have a good one!


  1. I have missed, what surgery? Hope it goes well. Lifting ...

    Love the tree, what a pretty change of decorations. Hadn't thought of this before, but now you have given me an idea.

    TTFN ~
    Merry Christmas

  2. Sorry about the babies being sick. So sad. They remember the good treatment they got from you, and may never leave, again.
    If I could come home to a house that was clean, and everything in it's place, I might schedule a surgery or two, also, lol. Maybe a toenail trim, and a haircut, those are both surgeries, aren't they?

  3. I'm so glad the babies are with you again so they feel safe and get healthy-it's just sad what they have to deal with cuz of humans!
    Heh, good luck tomorrow-
    crossing fingers, eyes and toes but mostly praying like crazy!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!