Sunday, December 16, 2012


what a wonderful smile...
she is wearing one of her hats from a family member...
the amputation went very well...
her bone marrow was clear of cancer cells...
and she is about to start another round of chemo...
on the 19th, I believe...
her cast is off and stitches have been removed and she is wearing a shrinking sock...
anytime now, they will fit her with a prosthetic...
as of right now, she is cancer free...
no cancer at all has been found in her tiny body...
but she still has miles to go and tests after tests to endure...
but its a good sign...
the family thanks everyone for their prayers...


  1. It's great to see Tori's sweet smile & more so to have some Great News ~ we all need that!
    Will Continue to Pray for Tori's journey & recovery~

  2. What a sweet smile, and what a wonderful report. Praying that she never has to deal with cancer again.

  3. Tete, Thank you for the up date on Tori. She's been in my thoughts for weeks now. Whenever my arthritis starts hurting so badly that I want to cry...I think of her stuggle and I count my blessings. She sure is a brave young lady. xoxo,Susie

  4. Thank you, Tete. It is wonderful to hear some good news in the midst of all this angst. Blessings to Tori and her family. xo Diana

  5. Just look at that sweet smile. To be able to smile in the midst of all that dear girl has gone thru says alot for her strength and character. Saying prayers for her and her family.

  6. Praise His Good and Holy name! Amen! Keep that cancer away Tori!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!