Monday, December 3, 2012

we are only servants...

but the glory is God's...

55 children are going to be grinning from ear to ear come Christmas morning...
our community is something else...
the out pour of love and kindness is amazing...

still have some last minute things to finish...
still have some toys left...
so we wait and see if they will be needed...
if not, we will tote them and have a jump on next year...
the need was fulfilled...
in spades...

Lori's bf has pneumonia now...
came home from the toy drive to read about it on facebook...
prayers are going up left and right here...
and the spinal cord is severed below the shoulder blades...
surgery coming up for the wrist...
but God's got his back...

I made it through 2 days of fun...
so I am lying low today and taking it easy...
back to housework tomorrow...
unless the cleaning fairies come...
have a great Monday!


  1. I am overjoyed at the toy drive but I feel almost sick thinking about that poor young man suffering from pneumonia on top of everything else. My heart aches for all of them.
    Blessings to you and I hope you have a GOOD day, Tete. xo Diana

  2. Prayers still going out to him and his girlfriend, wishing all the best. I put them both on our prayer list at church.

  3. I think you are an angel in disguise, Tete:) The toy drive is going to make so many people happy. I will keep praying for that young couple.

  4. I sent you an e-mail about being the featured blog this week on Pink Saturday. I hope I hear from you soon.

  5. Tete, I have often waited for the cleaning fairies, they never come. So sad. So I just spray the cat with endust and chase her through the house.LOL.Smiles, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!