Sunday, December 30, 2012

we woke to this yesterday morning...

it snowed during the night...

plastering everything with white...

DH had to make another trip to pick up my antibiotics...

and the roads were not that great...

so glad I stayed home...

Christmas decorations are down...

and stored away for another year...

left the pencil tree in the kitchen...

totally bare...
and will work on it a little at a time...
for my valentine's day tree...

the thought for the day...

have a blessed Sunday...
enjoy this snowy, lazy day...


  1. Glad he made it safely to get the antibiotics. We still have that white stuff on the ground. I'm ready for green, myself.

  2. It is pretty, Tete- Glad hubby was able to get to town and back safely. You are way ahead of me in getting your Christmas stuff down. It will be fun to see what you do with your pencil tree.

    I love your thought for the day- SOOOO true- xo Diana

  3. Beautiful Pics.. I love the snow. I am definitely going to use he sayings about men next time I go in with the men in prison.... Love that! Blessings and hope you feel better soon.

  4. That snow is pretty.....from inside, right, Tete? :) We have about 3" right now. Annnnnnd.....I'm pretty much over it and wish it would melt so that spring would make a really early appearance. :) Hope that you are doing well, sweetie. Sending you love and hugs.

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!