Tuesday, December 11, 2012

well, pooh...

we got up early this morning and were ready to go...
got there...
clothes off...
gown on...
footies, too...
and then...
I show them my tongue...
I broke out this morning with thrush mouth again...
never had it before this year and now here it is...
came from the shot in the butt to clear the ear infections...
so, I talked to both pre op nurses...
and then here came the anesthesiologist...
and then he called in another, older, more experienced...
and then my surgeon made an appearance...
and he is the one I listened to...
he said...

that's what we have been doing all day...
waiting on everything...

got dressed again...
went to see my doctor for meds...
he wouldn't give me a script until he saw me...
even though others had...
back in there at 2...
but did talk to the surgeon's nurse and we rescheduled for the 26th...
back home...
get dressed for real...
(didn't wear a bra this morning and had on leggings)
back over to Paris, only to wait forever...
then to Walmart, which ended up being the best part of the day...
we looked and looked and bought very little...
then we grabbed supper on the way home...
that was another wait...
now, I need to do housework...
so there you have it...

there's a reason...
I keep telling myself that...
there is a reason...


  1. Well pooh is right, Tete! Hope that come the 26th, you will get that surgery done for sure!!

  2. Hi Tete, I am here from Diana's blog. It is so nice to meet you and I love your blog and so enjoyed my visit.
    I am so sorry to read about your surgery that did not happen today. Pooh is right and I will keep you in my prayers for the days ahead and the surgery to go as planned when the time is right. Yes, there is a reason for everything.

    Wishing you better days soon. God Bless,
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  3. Sorry your surgery didn't go off as planned, but at least you got to hang out at Walmart. They have some cute Christmas stuff don't they? On the 26th, the surgeon and everyone will not be thinking about Christmas parties and stuff like that, so they'll be all relaxed and focused that day. So I think the 26th is a good day!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!