Sunday, January 27, 2013

all packed and ready to go...

Chilly has been visiting us for a few days...
from Ohio...
my cousin's granddaughter sent him to us...
well, her teacher, Mrs. McCormack sent him...
and this is the cover shot of the mini photo album I put together for them...

and here are the rest of the pages...

I hope Riley and her class enjoy the adventures Chilly had here...

can't wait to hear back from her mom...
Chilly's shipping out of here in the morning from our post office...


  1. Ok Tete, you are having way too much fun with Mr. Chilly! Love the photo of Bebe, he is just adorable and so cuddly looking!!

  2. You did a wonderful job on his Journal, and I know those kids will get a kick out of all that he had a chance to do, while visiting.

  3. You sure showed that snowman a good time and he is going home better than he left it! What fun- xo Diana

  4. You did a fabulous job showing Chilly around, and love how you captured it in photos and made an album for Riley and her friends to enjoy. Super creative, and the children will get a big kick out of this!

  5. Cutest thing ever ~ glad Chilly had a wonderful time, he may want to come back for another visit....

  6. Hi Tete, I love the adventures of Chilly. You did such an awesome job and I am sure the kids will love what you did. I have enjoyed reading your previous post. I am doing some reading tonight for a break. Hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful week. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri friend.

  7. I'm sure Riley will be tickled to get Chilly back. Especially with his journal, and all of the special things you are sending with him.
    You sure know how to treat your guests, Tete!

  8. what fun! I think Chilly would like it here today as it's icy and cold. I could serve him some of my stew and cheesy supper bread today. :) Tete come on over for a visit. You WON!
    (my email is on the sidebar...please send address! xo)

  9. Bebe is so adorable all dressed up with the snowman!! What fun!!!

  10. OH are TOO much. Any children would just LOVE LOVE LOVE having you for a Grammy. You are a very special lady, and Riley will know this, if she didn't already. I am glad for all the inspiration you share with all of us to do wonderful and fun things with children. To become a kid again. It's so FUN, and we need to never let go of that...or we will become old fogeys...(lol, which sometimes, Kurt and I call ourselves, when we are being lumps on a log) LOVED your experiences with Chilly. Love you! Stay Warm and Dry!! xoxo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!