Wednesday, January 16, 2013

miracles happen every day...

check out Miss Tori and her new foot...
she has been waiting for this day...

she took her first steps today...
with that huge smile on her face...
she said it felt like walking with her cast on...
and it felt heavy...
the guy who is doing the fitting said it weighs about a third of what her real leg did...
she'll get used to it...
in no time...
still weeks of chemo to go...
she got a hair cut the other day...
she is doing so good...
for those who don't know...
she was diagnosed with bone cancer in her ankle in August...
and she's been fighting it with everything she's got...
and with prayers from everyone all over the country...
she trusts God and believes he has a purpose for her...
and she is faithful...
and today...
she rejoiced...


  1. Tori is an amazing young girl!
    I'm so glad to hear her good report and that she is a step closer to recovering.
    She is in my prayers.

  2. She is so beautiful, and that is such a happy smile. Soon she will not even notice it.

  3. Tori's sweet spirit shines though these pictures! What an amazing and strong person she is!!

  4. Hi Tete, Tori's faith and will power will see her a long way. She has shown that she is a fighter. We will continue to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Prayers from a Missouri Friend.

  5. Wow, what an amazing spirit Tori has! And always a smile on her face, too. She is so brave, and could teach us all alot about faith and perseverance, I'm sure!

  6. What a sweet smile ~ so happy she is coming along ~ she'll be running on that new foot in no time ~ Prayers & Amen...
    xox for Tori


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!