Monday, January 7, 2013

piddle fartin' around...

yep, its one of those days...

too cold to play outside...
so added to the heart day tree...

I even used the polka dotted box platforms from the packaging that the candles were in...
rose soaps, too...

and it looks pretty in here...

and I saved a couple of the rose soaps for the mantle...
along with the candy candles...
say that 3 times fast...

Mr Rabbit is not amused...
he is waiting for his holiday (and so am I)...
he's not into that mushy stuff...
probably 'cause all the girl bunnies are stowed away in storage...

I was sitting here last night looking at my little angel girl with her blue birds and noticed something really cool...
those look like rain drops...
it looks like the got caught in a spring shower and are hiding under here until it passes...

more fake chocolate...

these are soaps that you can use...
just peel a petal and its like any other soap...

love the color of these...

so, what did you do today?

anything fun or exciting?
got a cake in the oven...
beef and noodles for supper tonight...
got the water on for the noodles and Craiger is making a run for the store for a couple of things...
and doing laundry...
playing with Elmer...
just Monday stuff...
even got my nap in...
got so sleepy after lunch...

I have another post ready to go...
so if I get bored again, I may be back to blogging 2-3 posts a day...
so get ready for some fun!


  1. Everything looks beautiful Tete..I actually stopped long enough to post a blog today. I have Bible study tonight so need to finish studying.... Have a great one and glad you are feeling well. Blessings!

  2. I love those coral rose soaps-so cool, I've never seen anything like them before.
    You know you have the most evocative posts, I never know how each one will make me feel. BUT I usually need to feel whatever they bring up for me.

  3. It sounds like you had a really GOOD day, Tete. I love all your photos. Those little crystals DO look like raindrops...and Mr. Bunny looks a tad sad. May I ask why all of his girlfriends are in cold storage? Has he worn them out?;>)

    I hope you had a good dinner and that you have a great night- You sound like you are in great spirits- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!