Saturday, February 2, 2013

our town...

we took a short drive this afternoon...

but we didn't go too far...

it was up to 31...

so it wasn't as bad as the last two days...

but I took photos of things I had passed by before...

many times...

and just never shot them...

so here is something new to look at...

you, know, we still have benches in front of some of the shops...

sedum in June's front yard...


a crooked tree...
I love crooked trees...

and a new pond filling...

one of my friend's son built this...

a tiny stream...

snow on a post...

so glad it is warmer...
those below zero days are not fun for me at all...

we just hung around today...
watched some tv...
cleaned a bit...
and I am getting ready to bake a cake...
with chocolate icing...
I have a craving...


  1. I love crooked trees too, and have one in my yard, that I'll photo one of these days. I love the peeling paint on those buildings.

  2. Great pictures-I love those interesting old buildings.
    So much character.
    Be by later for cake-lol


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!