Monday, February 25, 2013

sniffing glue????

some people have said, after the last post...
that I might sniff glue in the middle of the night and that would lead to me being a bit batty...

well, I am here to set the record straight...
once and for all!

I only use elmer's glue and glue sticks and hot glue...
and mod podge...
my glue has no fumes...
the only thing I sniff is chocolate...
because I have 3 (count them), 3 phobias...
nuff said on that...
everyone knows this...
3-glue that requires the ER and/or skin graphs to get me unattached from myself or some other object...
I do not use super glue, gorilla glue, any epoxies...
nope, not here...
so there you go...

been working on these tags to hang on the easter tree...
got more to do on them but the base is done...

so how did you spend your Monday???
we got up to 42, so I did get out for a walk...
still sore...
still on the nausea meds...
still so bloated...
I think I am calling tomorrow to see what the hold up is...


  1. Oh- Sounds like you had kind of a crummy day with your health crappy.

    You can say what you want but I think you are sniffing SOMETHING! AND I am surprised you and Donna (the Glitter Queen) are even friends. She glitters when she walks you know-

    Have a great night- xo Diana

  2. The tags you made are very appealing and creative. I like all the subject matter, pretty girls, eggs, birds, rabbits and all.
    He is risen indeed.

  3. Good Morning Tete, I didn't think that about you, but I did chuckle about ER. I can remember taking a boy to the ER with a fish hook in his thumb. I did chuckle at our friend's Nana's comment. I am sorry you are not up to par. I would be hounding the doctors office to see what the holdup was. Sometimes you have to be a little pushy in a nice way. Have a wonderful day and get to feeling better. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  4. I think I better scroll down and read your other post! love those adorable cards

  5. I stand by my hint about glue-well, not really just kidding-but a gal has to wonder sometimes. Now I'm sure you'll say takes one to know one-LOL
    Love your tags-easter is 2nd only to Christmas to me.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!