Monday, March 25, 2013

8 inches and its blowing...

the snow is taller than Bebe...
he had to potty in the road today...

its plastered on everything...

and all this nitrogen is going to make the spring and summer flowers grow so much!

winter's one last covering...

the cats followed Craig's footsteps...

DH made it the 8 miles to work this morning...

and by next weekend, they are calling for 50s again...

I'll bet its a bit mushy and we don't get to play in the yard...
might be a good time to clean off the deck and get it ready for some serious sittin' time out there...
so, did Virgil dump on you?
I sure do hope this is the last of this stuff...
mowing beats shoveling any day, no matter how pretty it looks out there...
the house is so bright in here...
with the snow reflecting all the light out there...
should build a snowman, but my butt's not going out there...
not until it warms up!


  1. Hi there, WE got about 6-8" on Saturday; our Hunter generally goes out in the snow to play, pee, eat it or roll in it but was a bit hesitant this time-probably thought he'd get buried in it. The sun is out today and it's melting but the air is still so cold. We are supposed to get to the 50's on Thursday too. I'm so ready for spring and want the snow to go!
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Hi Tete, You were getting what we had and we had some more snow showers today. We didn't get quite as much this last time, but I watched the school bus back down the hill to in front of our house to make it up the hill. We had sun out and helped with the streets. By the time I left the house they were just wet. The wind has been blowing the last couple of days. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  3. Tete, Brrrrrr just looking at the snow made me go get my sweater.. I have the air con on and now I am cold... We have been having windy 80s weather all weeek... I hope spring comes to your neck of the woods soon.

  4. Wow- You did get a dump, Tete....snow dump that is! I am surprised Steve was able to make it to work with all that snow. Enjoy the time while you can-it will be gone soon enough and you will be sweltering in the heat- ha-xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!