Sunday, March 17, 2013

a good night's rest...

its amazing what one will do for you...
I think its another one of those gifts from God that we over look every single day...

been getting up with the chickens here...

and in between breakfast and lunch, DH took me for a little drive...

I so wasn't ready for that...

and I had him pull over at only one spot...

the rest of the time I was hanging onto my tummy with both hands...

I know now to take a pillow with me to the doctor's on Tuesday...

my 'new' tummy is able to handle anything now...

where it comes out of...
not so sure...
pillows are a wonderful thing...


  1. I understand exactly what you are saying about a good nights sleep. I have a problem sleeping. I am so tired the next day can hardly function. Seems it is an every other night thing. I cannot seem to turn my mind off and do my thinking when I should be sleeping. I do not want to take sleeping pills, so I just tough it out. Trust you are having a better day.

  2. YEAAAA! She lives and breathes and walks and rides! I knew it would be good in the end- xo Diana

  3. So glad to see that you are feeling better. The tummy will eventually get back to normal.

  4. Fantastic! Taking that ride was one of those baby steps-sounds like they are piling up to be a marathon. (not literally of course-LOL)
    Good luck tomorrow.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!