Saturday, March 9, 2013


just a quick update...
the reason for so much back pain...
I passed a kidney stone yesterday afternoon...
I went into surgery with a gall bladder attack...
came out with one and trying to pass this stone...
what relief it was to have that done...
fibro is not good to have when you have all of that going on...
but my guys are taking wonderful care of me...
and I still need to poop for the first time...
but other than that, I just feel like someone threw me down hard and danced on me with determination...
so its getting better...
looking forward to next weekend, most of this will be finished...
I am sleeping in my swivel rocker in the bedroom, still cannot lay down...
but it is working for me...
I finally slept 2 hours straight this morning early...
I am heading back in there to nap a bit...
DH gave me a shower this morning and washed my hair...
he has been so good and I could have not done all of this without him...
thank you for all of your prayers...
recovery is going slow, but steady...
I am not up to being on here very much, but will catch up with you all in a few days or so...
hugs and love you bunches!


  1. Just popping in- laying low today-too tired to think. Glad you are feeling better and a week from today you will feel so good you won't believe get in there on that pot! xo Diana

  2. You know they say, "When it rains, it pours" Glad the worst is behind you & with your sassy tude {as Diana says} you'll be up & around better than New before you know it!
    Glad the guys are taken great care of You~ Still Praying & sending Soft hugs {don't want to squeeze too tight!}

  3. Big soft hugs for you too Tete..can't squeeze you too hard at this time. You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery and to feel brand new when this is all over. Bless your husband's heart..nice to have someone when you are in such need of help. Take care. xoxo,Susie

  4. Dear Tete, You poor girl! I haven't suffered from either gall/kidney stones but hear they are awful! Do take it slow and easy and get lots of rest.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. So glad you have such a sweet husband to help out. Just like you said, next week at this time you will feel like a new woman!

  6. My daughter passed one also.

    The other day couple of days before you.. She is feeling great after all that pain.

    Ya you better get on that potty.

    Glad your feeling better.

  7. You have been through terrible pain, and I am glad you are on the mend and that your dh is so attentive. Go ahead and get all the restorative rest you need.

  8. Hi Tete, I am glad the surgery is over. I prayed for your safe arrival to the hospital and home. Just take it easy and you have one that loves you taking care of you. You are still in my prayers that each day will be better until you are back to your being yourself. Take care. We have had rain all day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  9. Gentle hugs, and wishes for it to soon be in the past.

  10. God willing you'll get better soon. Have faith, patience, and keep praying. Never lose the hope and good spirit that you seem to have. Hang in there sister. Much love and take care.

  11. Hello Tete,
    So glad you are home and your surgery is behind you!!!
    I pray you will be feeling better soon!!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  12. Just checking in to see how you're feeling ~ I've spent all morning listing in the new shop, so after this little visit, it maybe time for a quick nap.... Thinking of You


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!