Saturday, April 27, 2013

got some work done outside this morning...

last night the foot bridge was delivered...

and here is where it will go...
right behind the wheel barrow...
along the bricks that line the end of the flower bed...
so glad we had the drought last year and couldn't put the fence posts in...
because we are going to change a few of those now...

everything is coming up...
and it won't be too much longer before this is all filled in...

a beginning on the veggie area...
the tomatoes are going inside of the racks...
not sure about the ice cream chairs...
but the gears are turning...

going to get this scrubbed up and painted...
maybe pink...

a potted plant in here later...
or it could be used to put the hand tools...

cleaning, moving and raking...

it was only in the 50s and windy, so we didn't work out here all day...
its a little damp still...
but the rains started in around 3 this afternoon...
and its still drizzling...
farmers are running behind and can't get into the fields...
but they will, soon enough...
and we will be praying for rainy days...
but one good thing...
it feels like the spring is dragging along...
taking its time...
and that's a good thing...


  1. Well, you must be back on your feet and feeling better, huh, Tete? I'm so glad! ♥ Your yard is truly so sweet and fun and whimsical! Just love it! I can hardly wait to see that awesome bridge in place!!! We've had some beautiful weather the past couple days. Been busting my bum in the garden, too - mulching like there's no tomorrow. lol Next week: planting more rose bushes! :)

    xoxo laurie

  2. I hope you are feeling better, Tete. This sounds like our spring, too. My husband is "itching" to get into our vegetable garden space, but we have had more than 8 inches over our average rainfall this year - and it's raining again this week-end - so the garden space is much too wet for working. As you mention, the time will come, and then we will be praying for more rain.:-) I send wishes to you for a blessed Sunday.

  3. That bridge is going to look so nice out there-what a great gift. I think the mailbox with the garden tools in it is such a neat idea.

  4. Your yard is going to be wonderful! You work so hard and the pay off is going to be terrific. Have a beautiful week!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!